Order Related

How long do scanned orders remain in GroovePacker after scanning?
Order records are retained in GroovePacker for 3 months. In nearly all cases a dispute regarding a shipment will need to begin in less than 90 days. After 9...
Tue, 23 Jan, 2024 at 11:59 AM
Is it possible re-scan an order that has already been scanned? Can I manually set orders to "Scanned"?
Normally if you attempt to scan an order that has already been scanned you'll be notified and prompted to scan another order. If a previously scanned or...
Fri, 1 Apr, 2016 at 4:17 PM
How to print packing slips and/or packing lists
Sometimes you may want to print packing slips and/or packing lists from GroovePacker.  Although it's possible to print packing slips and consolida...
Sun, 6 Aug, 2023 at 4:19 PM
How do I edit an order (add or remove items) to modify what will be scanned during packing.
Preface Sometimes the order items need to be modified before packing. A last minute customer request or an a surprise out-of-stock may occur. Here...
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 5:05 PM
How do you setup a daily order scanning report email or manually export scanned orders?
Daily Scheduled order export GroovePacker can email you each day with a report so you'll know exactly what was shipped and verify that all orders w...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 6:30 AM
What should I do with orders that have already shipped which are in my Awaiting list.
Let's say you have GroovePacker setup and you're ready to begin scanning the daily orders. You would like to clear your Awaiting list so it only co...
Tue, 1 Aug, 2023 at 12:59 PM
How do I delete orders from GroovePacker?
Whether you want to remove all of your orders to prepare to go live after testing, or just remove a single order so you can re-import an updated version, it...
Tue, 7 Aug, 2018 at 6:29 PM
How to re-scan an order that has already been scanned.
You can find the scanned order by searching in the Orders section. It will have been moved to the Scanned list and it's status should reflect this. ...
Tue, 1 Aug, 2023 at 1:04 PM
How can I view all of the items that have been scanned in an order?
For small orders, the items will be visible on the right side of the scan & pack interface. You can cue any order in the Scan and Pack section to view w...
Tue, 1 Aug, 2023 at 3:09 PM
Handling Cancelled orders and Re-Shipments for Damaged or lost orders
a.- If an order is imported into GroovePacker and then canceled (either before or after it is scanned in GroovePacker), how should it be handled?  In th...
Mon, 7 Aug, 2023 at 6:33 AM