Product images are added automatically when new products are found during order imports. In other words, when a SKU that is not in the GroovePacker database is encountered during an order import we will request the product data from the import source and create a new product record.
Some order sources share the location (URL) of the product images and we save this along with the other data. This is why we are often able to import images automatically for new products.
Why don't images get added for older/existing items?
If the SKU already exists in GroovePacker the order import process does not try to update the product data while orders are importing. The reason for this is that the import would take much longer if every SKU had to be checked every time it appeared in an order. It's still possible to add or update images for items already saved in GroovePacker but it has to be done separately.
Adding lots of images
Scenario 1: All products are in Shopify
If your products are all in Shopify it's possible to update them using the API. Please see this article for information on how to add and fix broken images via API.
Scenario 2: Products are not all saved in Shopify
If you would like to add images for many existing SKUs you can do so using a Product CSV. This article shows the process. Most order sources provide a way to export the product data to a CSV and the image URL for the thumbnails is included with this data. Broken images can be removed in bulk using the [DELETE] option. See the section below for a quick way to get a list of items with broken images.
Get a list of your missing or broken images
To receive a CSV file with all of the items in GroovePacker that have missing or broken images, navigate to the products section. Click Show All and then Select All. This should select every image you have in GroovePacker. Now from the edit drop down choose the broken/missing image export option. An email will be sent to the address chosen for System Notification in the General Preferences. The URL's for these items can be added directly in this CSV and imported using the Product CSV importer.
Adding just a few images from your computer or using your phone
If you're just looking to update images for a handful of items you can do so right in the product's detail window. Click the product name from the products list to open it. Images on your local computer can be directly uploaded there. Also, if you have the URL of an image you can open the window where you would normally choose it from your computer and paste the URL into the field. This method should work on the Chrome web browser. The GPX app makes it easy to add product images using your phone's camera. Chose the product search option from the menu in the GPX app and scan or search for a product. You'll abe able to add new images by tapping on the plus sign and taking a picture with your phone.
Why are images that were working before broken now?
For images that are not added directly in GroovePacker the URL or location of the product image is saved. Normally the images remain in the same location and will continue to display, but if they are moved by the online store to a new location, the old URL will no longer work. In this case, GroovePacker needs to be updated with the new image location.