Please note that the "On Hold" order status has been renamed to "Action Required"

Order Statuses

In GroovePacker there are a few statuses an order can have. For the most part these statuses are independent from the status in your import sources or Order Manager and they will not be affected by or have an affect on statuses elsewhere unless a specific feature exists and has been enabled. A list of orders by status can be viewed by clicking the status name in the Orders section.

  • Awaiting
  • Action Required (previously called On Hold)
  • Service Issue
  • Canceled
  • Scanned

Awaiting orders are ready to be scanned and packed. An order is automatically set to "Awaiting" by default if all of its products are Active. The Product Statuses article explains what is required for a product to be Active. Awaiting orders can be manually set to Service Issue, Canceled or Scanned. Most of the time orders will be imported and remain Awaiting until they have been scanned and packed and they will be automatically set to Scanned when packing is complete.

Action Required is a status automatically given to orders that contain one or more products which are not Active. When all of the non-Active products have been addressed the order is automatically set to Awaiting, unless one of the items in the order has a quantity of 0 or the order has been manually given another status. (if an order item has a qty of 0 the fix is to remove it from the order or give it a quantity of 1 or more) Depending on the permissions you assign all Action Required orders can be addressed by select staff before order packing begins or they can be addressed on the fly as orders are packed.  For an example of adding barcodes during the packing process please see this article.

Service Issue status is never changed automatically. It's always manually assigned and unassigned and it can be used for a variety of purposes. The most common use is to mark an order so it's not accidentally shipped when it should be held temporarily. Let's say a customer places an order and then sends an email asking about product sizing or substitutions. While you communicate with the customer you can set their order to Service Issue. If the order is cued for packing while it's marked as a Service Issue the packer will be notified, and according to the user permissions you set, confirmation from a manager can be required for the order to be packed.

Canceled status is another manually assigned status. When GroovePacker imports orders it ignores those that have been canceled, but in cases when an order is canceled after it's been imported you can manually assign the canceled status. This will remove it from the awaiting orders list. It's not required that you keep the Awaiting list free of orders that are not Awaiting scanning but it is recommended. Doing so allows you to double check that all orders have been scanned and packed at the end of the shipping day. This prevents instances where packing slips and shipping labels are misplaced between printing and packing and forgotten in the rush. Un-scanned orders in the Awaiting list are a clear indicator of an issue.

Scanned status is automatically assigned to each order when scanning and packing is complete. Orders can be manually changed from Scanned to other statuses. For example, if an order needs to be repacked it's status can be changed from Scanned to Awaiting. TIP: If you've enabled an option to scan tracking information for each order after packing it will need to be scanned before the order is marked as scanned

Product Statuses

Each product in GroovePacker will have one of the following statuses:

  • Active
  • New
  • Inactive

Active products have everything they need to be scanned. The only three requirements are: name, sku & barcode. Everything else is optional. Active status is automatically assigned to each product when it meets these requirements. If your inventory includes kits, it's worth mentioning that kits also require at least one kit item and all kit items must be Active for the kit to be Active.

New products are products missing at least one of the three required things. New status is assigned automatically and it's most often seen when a new product is added to one of your sales channels and imported as part of an order into GroovePacker. Most import sources do not pass the barcode value of each item ordered along with the order information, but most do include the Product Name and the SKU. So, when an item is sold for the first time it will be spotted in the import and created in GroovePacker. It will be set to New until its barcode is added and then it will automatically be set to Active. In the case of Kits, in order for a kit to be active it will need to have at least one active product set up as a kit part or child item of the kit. In other words you can not have a kit that contains no items.

 Inactive status is manually assigned and unassigned. It can be used for a variety of purposes but it's most often used when items are discontinued or temporarily not for sale. Instead of deleting products from your inventory you can set them to inactive so they will be out of the way but accessible in the future if needed. The inactive status is also handy for performing batch operations on a large selection of products. The products can be selected from multiple pages and searches and changed to inactive so operations can be performed on the entire list of items at once.

Video Transcription

So, after you import your products from a CSV, they should all have a name, a SKU, and a barcode, and they'll be in the active products list. But what happens when you add a new item to your shopping cart, and it comes in in its first order and groove packer, and it's seen for the first time? Well, the orders containing those items are put in the action required list, but they can still be scanned. So let's see what happens when you scan one of those orders. The order number is scanned in, and it tells you about which items need to have their status as change or need to be updated. So in this case, the only item that was either new or inactive is this organic shampoo. So we click on it, and we can see that it requires a barcode to be scannable.

So if we happen to have one there, which is usually the case when you're packing, you click here to add a barcode, and you scan in the barcode. It's entered, and then that item goes to active. Now when we close the style log, it prompts us to pack the items in that order because everything's ready to go.

Note: In the GPX app the order will open as usual and when you get to an item that does not have a barcode you'll have the option to add it.

You might choose not to allow your packers to edit items. (In Settings > Users you can click on a user and modify their permissions.) It's really just based on your own workflow and team. If you'd like to have another person edit products and set things up, you can do so from the products list. Go to products, and then click on new to see a list of the items that require attention. So here we see the comb, and we can right-click, and scan the barcode just the same. That automatically moves it from the new products to the active products, and it sets the orders that we're containing it from action required to awaiting, showing that they're all ready to be scanned. They don't need anything else. The other product status that's available is inactive. Inactive products are ones that you're probably going to remove eventually, but you would like to hold orders or call attention to orders that have these items in them. You cannot delete products from the regular products list, but from the inactive products list, you can delete them. You just select the ones that you'd like to delete permanently and click delete. If an order has an inactive item, just like for a new item, the order is placed on hold. Service issue is used to temporarily hold an order that you do not want to accidentally ship. You can require confirmation in order to change that order back to awaiting if you like. Canceled, is for orders that are permanently canceled, and scanned is where orders go after scanning has been completed. They'll all sit in that scan list so that you can go back and reference some later if you need to. That's pretty much it for order and product statuses.