User stats can be viewed in GroovePacker and exported to a CSV file. In order to see or export stats you'll need to have the Pro feature set and have the dashboard enabled for the user whom you are logged in as. All SuperAdmin users have the ability to enable dashboard stats for any user they wish. This is done by opening the user's page from the user list in the settings section and modifying the Dashboard view option.


With the Admin Dashboard enabled, start by clicking the stats displayed at the bottom of the screen to open the dashboard:

Once the dashboard opens you can select the period you would like to export from the dropdown. The default is 30 Days.

In the graph, you can check the most recently processed day. Stats may be updated nightly but if you would like to include the stats for the current day in your export you can click the "Update Stats" button. This may take several minutes if you have large amounts of data.

Once processing is complete you can use the email icon to export the chosen range and have it emailed to the address specified on the User Stats export page. If you need to modify this address, a link to the settings can be found by placing the mouse above the email icon. This should present a tooltip with the link.

You can also find the page by navigating to Settings > Backup and Export > User Stats Export

On this page, you'll also find options to schedule a daily stats report email with the stats data attached as a CSV file.