Note: If you're logged in on the GPX app ( you'll find that the workflow for adding barcodes has been redesigned and the fix item list is no longer necessary. In the new workflow, the order will display as usual and you'll be able to add barcodes to items by clicking the Add Barcode button.

Adding new products to your store is a regular occurrence so we've made the process of getting new items ready to scan in GroovePacker as quick and easy as possible.

In most cases items will be created automatically in GroovePacker during order imports and they will have the Product Name, SKU, and Product Image. In many cases, just the barcode is missing.

If you're adding a bunch of new items at once importing a CSV with the new SKUs and barcodes is the way to go.

On the other hand, if you're adding fewer items the barcodes can be added just before you pack the order. This is where the Fix Item List comes in.

 If you scan an order containing items that are missing their barcode you'll see a list of each item that needs a barcode.

(see the image below)  

Just right-click in the barcode area and scan the correct product to add it's barcode in GroovePacker. When all items in the list have their barcodes added the order packing will being automatically.

 (Please note that the user will need "Product Edit" permissions in order to add a barcode. If they do not have permission to edit products they will need to scan another order to continue.)

To see a list of all products which require barcodes you can click on Products > New 

The product barcodes can be added right in the list.

Video transcription:

Sometimes when you scan an order in GroovePacker, you'll see this list instead of seeing the normal scan and pack screen. The reason this occurs is that the items listed here did not have a barcode. That will cause them to have the status "new" and adds them to the new products list in GroovePacker. You can quickly add the barcode directly to the product here and then continue scanning the order. To do that, you just right-click in the blank or click the pencil to add it. Then you can type in or scan the product barcode. Make sure you scan the correct product because this will be saved with that product record. It's easy enough to change it later from the products detail page if needed. Once it's scanned in or entered, it will be removed from the list. Just repeat that for each product that needs a barcode. Then you'll be shown the regular scan and pack screen and you can pack that order as usual. All barcodes added are now saved and will be ready for scanning in all orders.