The CSV order importer can be used to import orders from sources that do not offer an API integration. This can be handy for importing Amazon FBA shipment plans, so you can verify your FBA shipments, or for bringing in orders from a secondary ERP system. Because files can pulled direct from an FTP it's possible to setup a one-click import, or have new orders import every ten minutes if your current system can upload new orders to an FTP.
What you'll need
We'll create an import map in GroovePacker which will associate the fields, or columns in your order CSV with the correct fields in GroovePacker. In order to set this up you'll need a sample CSV that has the same format (number of columns and column order) as the file you'll import each day. You can click here to view an example file in Google Sheets. A complete file with all possible order import fields can be downloaded here. The column names and order can be in any arrangement but you'll want to keep the file the same each time so the map continues to work.
At minimum, this file should have the fields below but many additional product fields can be included. These can be used to automatically set up new products in GroovePacker on the fly while orders import.
- Order number
- Quantity of the SKU
- Order Date/Time in one of these formats:
Date/Time Formats
The / (forward slash )can be replaced with a - (hyphen)
The order of MM and DD and be swapped in any of the formats using an option.
If there is a single digit a 0 is required as a placeholder.
If the order date is not going to be required it's possible to have the current date/time used instead.
Once you have your file you are ready to map it and import:
1- Navigate to the Settings section in GroovePacker
2- Click the name of your CSV store in the list. If you do not have one, click Create Store and give the store a name. Choose CSV from the store type drop down.
3- Scroll down to the first of the three importers, the Order Import.
4- Choose your order CSV from your computer. If you have already imported an order CSV in the past you'll have the last map used displayed in the field above the "clear map" button. If you are importing an order using the same map you'll just click the "Import Orders" button and the import will start. You may see a confirmation regarding the order Date if the date is not mapped in the file. Just click ok to continue.
4- You'll be mapping a new file, so if a map is already selected click the Clear Map button.
Later when you want to import new orders using the same file format the last used map will be selected and ready to go. To import new orders you'll simply choose your file and click "Import Orders".
5- Click "Edit Map" to open the Map editor
6- Give your map a name and choose the date format you have in your file from the drop down.
*If you do not have a date in the correct format please leave the default "Use Current Date/Time" selected and
do not map the Date/Time field below.
7- Make selections for the fields you are importing using the drop down for each column:
8- When you are done, double-check the date format and verify the mapping before pressing the green import button:
9- Nice work! Your order import should queue up and begin in a few seconds.
*If you need to import the date time in another format so it is available in GroovePacker you can leave the default
"Use Current Date/Time" selected and import it as Text by mapping it to Custom1 or Custom2.