To create a Magento API Connection to GroovePacker, in order to import orders, you can follow this article/video.
To connect Magento to GroovePacker, first you need a SOAP API user in Magento with full roles.
If you already have one that you would like to use please skip down to: "To add an API Connection to GroovePacker with your API User"
If you need to create one please start here:
2- Click System > Web Services > SOAP/XML-RPC - Roles.
3- Add a new role, call it 'full,' and give it full permissions by going to Role Resources, hitting All, and hitting save.
4- With a new or existing role with full access, we click System > Web Services > Users.
5- Add a new user, give them some credentials.
To add an API Connection to GroovePacker with your API User:
That's all there is to it! Thanks!
If there are any complications in this process, do not hesitate to contact support - that's why we're here!
If you have trouble importing orders and you know the steps were followed please check that the WS-I compliance setting is set to No:
System > Config > Services > Magento Core API > WSI Compliance
If it is set to Yes the import will not run. If other extensions require it to be set to Yes we will need to use the REST API rather than the SOAP API. Please contact support for instructions.
Video Transcript
Okay, so we're going to look at how to connect Magento to Groove Packer. So you start out in your Magento Admin area and under System, we're going to go down to Web Services and first we're going to go to Rolls. So we'll click on that and then we're going to add a new role and we'll call this Roll Full and we're going to give it full permission. So we go to Roll Resources here and we just say All and then we're going to say Save Roll. Okay, so now we have our role and we're going to go back up to System and then Web Services and this time we're going to go to Users and we're going to add a new user. So we need to give this user some credentials here and most of the stuff you'll never need but it's required so you have to fill it out. So I'm just going to use G Packer. G Packer. G Packer at Okay, so now these two actually matter. This is going to be your kind of like your username and password for the API to use. So in this case I'm just going to use G Packer and G Packer. Now I recommend using a longer, more secure password for your keycom formation but I'll leave that up to you. You can use whatever you like and of course the account will be active. Now before we leave we're going to go to the User role and we're going to choose our full role. Here's actually some other ones that have full permissions here and if you already have one that has full permissions feel free to use that but I'll select that one that we created and then I'm going to click Save User. So next we're going to look quickly at how you can put this into G Packer. So let's hop over here and I need to log in. So we'll do that and we're going to go to the Settings section and I don't have, I'm going to go ahead and create a new Magento store here so I'll click on Create Store and I'll give it a name. Under Store type I'm going to choose Magento and I'll go ahead and put in my G Packer, G Packer and then for the domain you're going to put the full URL just like it shows here and then the base directory or the root directory for your store. So sometimes you'll have it at Store, sometimes you'll have it at Fords last Shop but whatever it is that should go there and then once that's done you'll want to click on Save and Close and that should be it. You should be connected. Once it's been created it will be, it should be active, it'll show active here and then when you click on Import Orders it should begin importing and that's all the risk to it. Thanks, bye.