Important note: If you are importing orders from ShippingEasy, ShipStation or another order manager you will want to be sure to leave the Shopify Store Connection "Inactive". This will prevent orders from being imported. You'll still be able to import product data. You'll only want to set the store to active if you do not have an order manager and orders will be imported directly from Shopify.

The current Shopify connection method is the Custom App method shown below.

This video showing the process may also be helpful but the actual permissions granted to the app are updated since the video. The latest permissions can be seen in step #13 below. 

The store list will be the first thing you'll see when you click on the Settings icon in your top nav bar.

The store "Type" is listed in the type column.  If you find a Shopify store has already been created you can Skip to step 3 below.

If you do not have a Shopify store listed in your Store list you can create one with these steps:

1- Under Store Settings on the left menu click the "Create Store" option.

2- Give it a name and select Shopify from the Store Type dropdown.

3-  To authorize access and create the connection, enter only the first part of your myshopify URL, and press Authorize Access.

4- Login to your Shopify using your Administrator account. 

5- Once logged in please click on the Apps section near the bottom of the menu

6- Choose the "App and sales channel settings

7-  Click Develop Apps at the top

8 - Click to allow custom apps

9 - On the next page click once more to confirm

10 - Now we can create the "connector app" to allow GroovePacker to request orders and products. Click "Create an app"

11 - Here we'll give the app a name, select a user on your account as the "developer", and click Create App

12 -  Congrats! You can now tell everyone you're a Shopify App Developer! =) Once the celebration has concluded you can click the "Configure Admin API scopes" to continue. 

Note: It's also possible to have GroovePacker Support continue the setup from this point. You can share temporary access to your store (please include the Apps section) and we can complete the remaining steps. Or if you would like to give it a go continue on!

13 - Now we are going to give the app permissions.

Note 1-If you know that orders will never be imported from Shopfiy (ie you are importing orders from another source like Shippo, Shipping Easy, ShipStation etc) you can skip the first section of order permissions shown below.
Note 2 - The order write permissions are only needed to add the GP SCANNED tag in Shopify after scanning is done in GroovePacker. 

Just type "write_order" in the search and you should see these four that should be checked for orders.

14 - Nice! Now for product permissions just search for "write_products" and select these checkboxes:
Note 3 - The product write & inve permissions are only needed when pushing inventory from GroovePacker to Shopify.


15 - Lastly we'll search for "inventory" and select these two permissions:

16 - Next we'll save the permissions by clicking on Save.

17 - The next step is to install our app:

18 - Confirm the installation on the popup

19 - Once the app is installed we'll find the Credentials for our app in the "API Credentials" tab, you can open it by clicking here:

20 - To wrap up just click on the "Reveal Token" option and copy the token value. Paste this into GroovePacker in the "Access Token" field.

21 - Save your changes by clicking "Authorize Access" and scroll all the way down and click "Save and Close

Important note: If you are importing orders from ShippingEasy, ShipStation or another order manager you will want to be sure to leave the Shopify Store Connection "Inactive". This will prevent orders from being imported. You'll still be able to import product data. You'll only want to set the store to active if you do not have an order manager and orders will be imported directly from Shopify.