Welcome to Impulse Offers!

Setting up offers is super easy, you'll have your first offer running in minutes, let's get started!

Begin by launching the Impulse Offers app from your  App List if it's not already open:

Next, give your offer a title, which will be displayed when the offer is shown on the cart page.

You can also assign a description which will be seen if the visitor clicks on the offer to visit the product page. This is handy if the offer requires additional explanation.

Lastly, give your offer a price and click "Add Offer" to save it.

Now that the offer and it's corresponding offer item have been created you can add an image that will be displayed when the offer is in the cart. You can click the Edit button beside the offer to open it's product page and add an image.

While you're on the product page you can also choose whether or not the item will be shown in the catalog. If you would rather the offer not be shown in your product catalog you can click the "Manage" option and remove the check so that it does not display.

When you're done, be sure to save your changes. You are now ready begin displaying the offer using the "Offers visibility" toggle switch.

After adding an item to your cart you'll find your offer on the cart page after adding an item to your cart. Here we can see the offer is displayed below the item in the cart. In this screenshot the offer has already been added to the cart as well and  you can see the offer and it's image there.

In this template the text of the offer seems to display a bit small. Let's make a quick change to the CSS so it appears larger. On the app page we can click the CSS edit icon here:

Now we just enter a new value and save the changes.

When we reload our cart page we can see the change reflected.

You can add additional offers the same way. In the options section you can choose to have the offer displayed above the cart items  if you like.  

And that's pretty much it! Enjoy Impulse Offers!